Today we will look at the step by step procedure for deploying a virtual machine on the Azure with a static public IP configuration.

So below are the step by step to do this. We will look at creating a Server 2016 VM and also see the configurations for VMNet and Subnet creation, Storage account creation and choosing the right VM type etc.

  1. Firsts step is to select the type of compute you want to deploy. Here we have selected the Compute>Windows Server 2016 VM

2.  Now enter the desired VM name, Choose the Disk type, username the subscription type (Since I am using a trial account it’s selected as Free trial) Then you can either create a new Resource group for this VM or you can choose an exiting from the dropdown list. Finally Select the Azure Data Center location and click OK.

3.  On the next screen choose the appropriate VM based on your requirement. Here we have selected the smallest one. Which is A0 Basic

4. On the next blade you can select the type of storage you need for your VM. You can choose either a managed disk or create a storage account.

Storage account has lot of benefits when compared to a storage account. We will be creating a storage account for this lab. You can read more about Managed Disk here

5.  Next we need to create a Virtual Network Address space and a subnet for this Virtual Machine.

One thing you need to remember while configuring Address range for your subnet is that the range should always contain within the Address space that you have chosen for the VNet Address space.

6. Next is to configure the Public IP settings for this VM. For static IP assignment you need to select the Static radio button and enter a desired name for the Public IP.

We are not creating or configuring the availability set so you can ignore that option for now. We will be looking at a detailed configuration of availability set in later posts.

6.  Finally review the configurations and proceed with the deployment process. The process may take more than 15 minutes.

7. Once the deployment is complete, go to your Virtual Machine blade and take a look at the Virtual machine configurations and you will notice the Public IP as below.

So this public IP configuration will stay even if you do shutdown the computer.


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